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OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 32

The 2015 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Region Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2015
Region of Citizen-ship Total Temp-orary Workers and Families1 Workers in Specialty Occu-pations
Seasonal Agri-cultural Workers (H2A) Seasonal Non-Agricultural Workers (H2B, H2R)2 Workers with Extra-ordinary Ability/ Achiev-ement (O1, O2) Athletes, Artists, and Enter-tainers (P1 to P3) Intra-company Trans-ferees (L1) Treaty Traders and Invest-ors (E1 to E3)3 Other
   Total 3,722,543 537,450 283,580 120,219 119,679 125,372 648,611 449,732 1,437,900
Africa 28,129 6,872 2,032 1,581 1,204 1,947 6,417 344 7,732
Asia 910,611 335,501 45 2,088 9,560 9,898 150,088 128,847 274,584
Europe 633,256 74,170 551 3,571 64,041 26,216 195,625 136,194 132,888
North America 1,943,987 91,221 279,641 112,631 30,443 77,777 241,386 135,577 975,311
Oceania 75,745 3,555 182 114 6,718 2,833 14,135 38,025 10,183
South America 129,794 25,776 1,113 231 7,671 6,670 40,713 10,650 36,970
Unknown 1,021 355 16 3 42 31 247 95 232


Table 32. Nonimmigrant Temporary Worker Admissions (I-94 Only) By Country Of Citizenship: Fiscal Year 2015
Country of Citizenship Total Temp-orary Workers and Families1 Workers in Specialty Occu-pations
Seasonal Agri-cultural Workers (H2A) Seasonal Non-Agri-cultural Workers (H2B, H2R)2 Workers with Extra-ordinary Ability/ Achiev-ement (O1, O2) Athletes, Artists, and Enter-tainers (P1 to P3) Intra-company Trans-ferees (L1) Treaty Traders and Invest-ors (E1 to E3)3 Other
   Total 3,722,543 537,450 283,580 120,219 119,679 125,372 648,611 449,732 1,437,900
Afghanistan 38 4 - - - D 4 D 25
Albania 588 296 - - 13 77 49 30 123
Algeria 465 56 - - D 10 82 D 314
Andorra 93 29 - - D - D - 54
Angola 693 32 - - 24 5 344 - 288
Antigua and Barbuda 91 27 - D D 26 11 - 20
Argentina 22,218 3,046 11 97 1,455 1,363 6,742 3,695 5,809
Armenia 597 101 - - 69 285 28 12 102
Australia4 67,995 2,285 81 65 5,643 2,303 11,678 37,967 7,973
Austria 7,774 797 - 18 678 311 2,805 1,565 1,600
Azerbaijan 361 89 - - 16 32 64 12 148
Bahamas 740 370 - - 30 49 174 5 112
Bahrain 86 30 - - - 5 26 - 25
Bangladesh 1,360 454 - - 73 76 153 32 572
Barbados 491 145 - 3 85 108 90 - 60
Belarus 1,265 256 - - 91 126 325 10 457
Belgium 11,975 1,054 - D 1,391 D 4,297 2,351 2,660
Belize 345 70 20 184 4 - 24 - 43
Benin 58 28 - - 9 - 5 - 16
Bhutan 18 11 - - - D - D 4
Bolivia 1,234 490 - - 27 96 272 39 310
Bosnia and Herzegovina 240 60 - - 10 57 32 14 67
Botswana 58 16 - - D D 10 - 26
Brazil 44,013 6,659 14 64 1,948 1,656 18,309 570 14,793
Brunei 22 D - - - - 9 D 9
Bulgaria 2,516 1,085 3 215 184 105 329 278 317
Burkina Faso 95 58 - - D 7 7 D 20
Burma 159 50 - - 8 24 13 - 64
Burundi 38 16 - D 6 D 5 - 5
Cambodia 77 13 - - - 38 D D 21
Cameroon 568 338 - - 5 39 55 10 121
Canada 1,122,523 63,626 3,758 4,701 20,026 35,704 189,844 64,099 740,765
Cape Verde 30 D - - 7 13 D - 6
Central African Republic 4 - - - - - D D D
Chad 3 D - - - - D - -
Chile 8,635 2,739 15 33 402 197 1,785 849 2,615
China5 76,173 36,714 4 3 1,151 2,244 17,054 401 18,602
Colombia 19,385 4,596 - D 1,603 D 4,364 3,393 4,365
Comoros D - - - - - - - D
Congo (Brazzaville)6 32 D - D D D D - 16
Congo (Kinshasa)7 88 20 - - 22 8 9 - 29
Costa Rica 3,750 791 99 191 123 27 1,382 183 954
Cote d'Ivoire 150 58 - - D D 46 - 40
Croatia 1,493 349 - 26 184 123 422 82 307
Cuba 492 4 D - 30 372 4 D 79
Cyprus 378 167 - - 60 8 107 - 36
Czech Republic 3,661 406 - 27 302 531 1,231 402 762
Denmark8 11,018 909 D D 1,596 450 3,932 1,104 3,016
Djibouti D - - - - D - - -
Dominica 77 28 - - D 30 12 - D
Dominican Republic 7,602 876 89 155 303 3,974 755 38 1,412
East Timor 6 - - - - - D - D
Ecuador 2,945 1,014 5 6 150 106 759 71 834
Egypt 4,054 999 14 - 143 11 1,233 102 1,552
El Salvador 2,345 540 68 596 32 223 374 19 493
Equatorial Guinea 27 - - - - 3 11 - 13
Eritrea 6 D - - - D D - D
Estonia 736 79 - D 171 108 151 D 169
Ethiopia 607 146 - - 10 294 53 17 87
Fiji 70 17 - - D 7 D - 41
Finland 6,538 516 - 5 478 656 2,424 396 2,063
France9 92,198 11,056 3 16 5,898 1,519 26,933 25,207 21,566
Gabon 33 D - - - D 10 - 16
Gambia 30 13 - - - D 3 D 11
Georgia 357 125 - - 40 50 46 20 76
Germany 88,717 7,594 - 3 4,403 1,417 22,125 40,170 13,005
Ghana 879 392 - - 25 61 104 - 297
Greece 4,381 1,686 D D 519 481 874 163 652
Grenada 173 72 - - D 20 44 21 D
Guatemala 6,968 661 1,450 3,141 98 355 573 28 662
Guinea 87 14 - - D 43 D - 15
Guinea-Bissau 6 D - - D - - - D
Guyana 103 51 - - D - D - 44
Haiti 655 64 50 D 25 326 D D 171
Honduras 3,059 591 189 642 6 319 392 434 486
Hungary 4,058 646 4 68 305 423 1,406 33 1,173
Iceland 1,275 289 - - 257 D 249 D 325
India 493,426 253,377 3 6 1,137 2,586 57,319 233 178,765
Indonesia 2,417 841 - D 63 40 564 D 883
Iran 499 180 - D 35 D 28 34 197
Iraq 122 40 - - D D D - 48
Ireland 22,157 3,666 91 265 2,159 1,556 7,867 2,577 3,976
Israel 20,487 2,993 - 10 1,581 455 5,852 2,195 7,401
Italy 47,221 6,531 - 44 4,024 1,121 12,287 15,567 7,647
Jamaica 16,387 705 4,647 7,651 1,920 832 155 49 428
Japan 184,581 5,713 3 265 2,311 1,411 42,082 103,579 29,217
Jordan 1,084 512 - - 29 - 159 40 344
Kazakhstan 1,087 166 - - 48 247 220 37 369
Kenya 1,265 511 - - 13 284 156 8 293
Kiribati 15 3 - - - 5 - - 7
Korea, North10 7 - - - - - D - D
Korea, South11 51,021 9,268 - 17 1,265 978 12,047 13,120 14,326
Kosovo 87 24 - - 7 24 11 - 21
Kuwait 129 46 - - 14 - 28 - 41
Kyrgyzstan 125 40 - - 8 25 4 3 45
Laos 37 D - - - D 6 - 27
Latvia 811 129 - D 194 167 128 D 141
Lebanon 1,933 854 - - 108 103 439 15 414
Lesotho 16 11 - - - D - - D
Liberia 24 - - - 14 - D - D
Libya 85 22 - - - - 14 - 49
Liechtenstein 42 11 - - 7 - 19 D D
Lithuania 902 144 - 83 235 39 146 67 188
Luxembourg 295 56 - - 45 3 124 18 49
Macedonia 307 124 D 11 26 29 53 D 55
Madagascar 30 16 - - D D D 3 7
Malawi 93 17 - - D D 49 - 19
Malaysia 5,407 1,463 - - 128 39 2,322 32 1,423
Maldives 12 8 - D - - - - D
Mali 122 20 - - 13 79 - - 10
Malta 176 27 - - 15 D 82 D 47
Marshall Islands D - - D - - - - D
Mauritania 40 - D - - D 19 - 13
Mauritius 204 89 - - 3 6 48 10 48
Mexico 771,598 20,988 268,834 95,188 7,339 34,520 45,980 70,294 228,455
Moldova 574 209 48 82 53 35 36 3 108
Monaco 47 7 - - 32 3 - - 5
Mongolia 364 64 - - D 104 D 43 140
Morocco12 849 346 - - 23 48 101 79 252
Mozambique 81 7 - - D 14 D - 56
Namibia 69 20 D D 16 - 10 D 19
Nauru D D - - - - - - -
Nepal 1,913 1,244 D - 8 30 104 D 522
Netherlands13 26,027 1,919 5 22 3,620 998 10,008 3,503 5,952
New Zealand14 7,498 1,246 101 48 1,071 517 2,452 58 2,005
Nicaragua 1,291 268 436 116 13 93 183 - 182
Niger 45 5 D - D 17 11 - 8
Nigeria 3,813 1,529 - D 36 157 700 D 1,388
Norway 7,502 511 - D 898 D 1,667 2,135 1,947
Oman 145 13 - - - - 51 - 81
Pakistan 5,663 2,000 - - 53 228 848 311 2,223
Palau D - - - - D - - -
Panama 1,440 335 - 60 60 185 308 190 302
Papua New Guinea 11 D - - D - D - 6
Paraguay 447 102 - - 13 42 70 66 154
Peru 5,567 1,782 1,031 28 218 270 1,084 43 1,111
Philippines 17,419 3,941 19 1,681 312 133 2,628 604 8,101
Poland 8,144 1,293 D D 681 550 2,812 323 2,393
Portugal 6,164 1,232 - 13 643 222 2,506 119 1,429
Qatar 24 D - - - D 13 - 6
Romania 4,589 1,206 202 414 269 189 1,229 204 876
Russia 15,262 2,470 - 22 1,498 2,903 3,578 141 4,650
Rwanda 90 56 - - D D D - 20
Saint Kitts and Nevis 137 42 - - - 10 46 15 24
Saint Lucia 112 87 - - 4 5 8 - 8
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 73 22 - - 17 17 4 - 13
Samoa 47 - - - - - - - 47
San Marino 4 D - - - D - - D
Sao Tome and Principe 3 3 - - - - - - -
Saudi Arabia 1,720 163 - D D - 531 - 1,004
Senegal 232 119 - - 5 30 34 3 41
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 1,571 434 4 180 263 152 238 37 263
Seychelles 3 - - - - - - - 3
Sierra Leone 35 10 - - 3 10 3 - 9
Singapore 7,280 3,189 - - 123 20 1,955 170 1,823
Slovakia 1,773 301 - 64 215 153 516 143 381
Slovenia 1,067 181 - 13 117 121 220 276 139
Solomon Islands D - - - - - - - D
Somalia D - - - - - D - -
South Africa 10,789 1,171 2,011 1,576 713 324 2,872 58 2,064
South Sudan 6 D - - - - D - 3
Spain 50,419 6,397 3 99 3,144 1,079 15,503 13,305 10,889
Sri Lanka 1,513 631 - - 12 33 290 50 497
Sudan 42 10 - - 5 D D - 23
Suriname 66 20 - D D - D 17 22
Swaziland 37 17 D - - D D D 11
Sweden 18,128 1,529 D D 2,689 1,676 5,431 2,703 4,081
Switzerland 10,812 1,214 3 3 984 363 3,767 1,978 2,500
Syria 207 30 - - D 18 27 D 127
Taiwan 17,459 5,575 - - 461 285 2,766 5,155 3,217
Tajikistan 32 21 - - - D - - D
Tanzania 268 149 - - 18 10 15 - 76
Thailand 2,937 812 12 26 99 83 497 640 768
Togo 51 36 - - - - - - 15
Tonga 90 - - - D - - - D
Trinidad and Tobago 3,638 909 - - 320 582 1,006 199 622
Tunisia 348 75 - - 19 4 92 36 122
Turkey 9,145 3,570 - 75 266 25 1,327 2,047 1,835
Turkmenistan 81 17 - - - 4 11 - 49
Uganda 687 150 - - 16 385 31 - 105
Ukraine 6,052 1,231 108 54 463 595 1,470 95 2,036
United Arab Emirates 142 D - - D - 51 - 46
United Kingdom15 164,597 16,216 63 1,704 25,278 7,132 58,335 21,076 34,793
Uruguay 1,468 307 37 - 130 50 462 134 348
Uzbekistan 330 79 - - D 43 34 D 154
Vanuatu 14 D - - - - - - D
Venezuela 23,713 4,970 - - 1,719 1,828 6,858 1,773 6,565
Vietnam 2,181 840 D D 38 212 312 D 756
Yemen 50 D - - - - D D 30
Zambia 163 68 - - D D 26 D 64
Zimbabwe 624 212 D D 35 46 201 4 123
Unknown 1,021 355 16 3 42 31 247 95 232

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.

- Represents zero.

1 Includes principals and dependents (CW1, CW2, E1 to E3, H1B, H1B1, H1C, H2A, H2B, H2R, H3, H4, I1, L1, L2, O1 to O3, P1 to P4, Q1, R1, R2, TD and TN admissions).

2 Issuances of H2R (returning H2B workers not subject to annual numerical limits) ceased at the end of 2007.

3 Includes principals and dependents.

4 Australia includes Australia, Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and Cocos (Keeling) Island.

5 China includes the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

6 Congo (Brazzaville) refers to the Republic of the Congo.

7 Congo (Kinshasa) refers to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

8 Denmark includes Denmark, Faroe Islands, and Greenland.

9 France includes France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and Wallis and Futuna.

10 North Korea refers to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

11 South Korea refers to the Republic of Korea.

12 Morocco includes Morocco and Western Sahara.

13 Netherlands includes the Netherlands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, and Sint Maarten.

14 New Zealand includes New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tokelau, and Niue.

15 United Kingdom includes the United Kingdom, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Notes: Admissions represent counts of events, i.e., arrivals, not unique individuals; multiple entries of an individual on the same day are counted as one admission. The majority of short-term admissions from Canada and Mexico are excluded.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.