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2-category criminality: Yes/No variable that describes whether or not an individual has previously been convicted of a criminal offense.

3-category criminality: Classifies an alien at the time of an immigration enforcement action as:

  • Convicted Criminal: Immigration Violators with a criminal conviction entered into ICE systems of record at the time of the enforcement action.
  • Pending Criminal Charges: Immigration Violators with pending criminal charges entered into ICE system of record at the time of the enforcement action.
  • Other Immigration Violators: Immigration Violators without any known criminal convictions or pending criminal charges entered into ICE system of record.

4-category criminality: Describes the most serious crime a person has been convicted of as of the date of the query, classifying crimes as aggravated felonies, felonies, or misdemeanors, with "other" indicating no criminal conviction. Reports aggravated felon, felon, misdemeanor, or other based upon the review of all relevant criminal history at the time of the enforcement action and the assessing officer's recorded crime classifications for these criminal charges/convictions.

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Last updated: March 19, 2025