Terminology Note
Older yearbooks and annual flow reports may use outdated terminology but remain as approved.
The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a collection of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during a fiscal year, were granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., admitted as immigrants or became legal permanent residents), were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis (e.g., tourists, students, or workers), applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including noncitizen apprehensions, removals, and returns. The Yearbook tables are released as they become available. A final PDF is released in September of the following fiscal year.
In addition to the Yearbook, the Office of Homeland Security Statistics' Annual Flow Reports and Annual Reports provide text, tables, and charts on legal permanent residents, refugees and asylees, nonimmigrant admissions, naturalizations, and enforcement actions. The Annual Flow Reports and Annual Reports have replaced the text chapters in the earlier editions of the Yearbook.
Available Yearbooks
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2023
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2022
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2021
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2020
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2019
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2018
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2017
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2016
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2015
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2014
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2012
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2011
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2010
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2009
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2008
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2007
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2006
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2005
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2004
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2003
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2002
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2001
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2000
- Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1996 to 1999
Download Data
Data File | File Extension | File size | Date Posted | Report Year | Data Category | categories |
Asylees 2023 Data Tables | xlsx | 35.11 KB | 10/02/2024 | 2023 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2023 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) | xlsx | 228.57 KB | 09/16/2024 | 2023 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2023 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) | xlsx | 234 KB | 09/16/2024 | 2023 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Data Tables | zip | 84.12 KB | 07/11/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2022 | 3.37 MB | 11/14/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2022 Data Tables | xlsx | 134.9 KB | 11/14/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2021 Data Tables | zip | 221.42 KB | 04/05/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Expanded 2022 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 65.71 KB | 08/22/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) | xlsx | 290.32 KB | 08/21/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
U.S. Naturalizations 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) | xlsx | 177.64 KB | 08/21/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2022 Data Tables | xlsx | 51.45 KB | 08/21/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2022 Data Tables (Including Supplementary Tables) | xlsx | 254.99 KB | 08/21/2023 | 2022 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2021 | 3.81 MB | 11/11/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2021 Data Tables | zip | 170.14 KB | 12/22/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Expanded 2021 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 61.76 KB | 12/12/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Expanded 2020 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 61.54 KB | 12/12/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2021 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 217.95 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Data Tables | zip | 84.12 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
U.S. Naturalizations 2021 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 216.33 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2021 Data Tables | zip | 210.19 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2021 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 168.84 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Refugees and Asylees 2021 Data Tables | zip | 91.93 KB | 09/26/2022 | 2021 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2020 | 4.24 MB | 03/08/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Refugees and Asylees 2020 Data Tables (v2) | zip | 88.27 KB | 07/11/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2020 Data Tables | zip | 212.64 KB | 02/22/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2020 Data Tables | zip | 205.35 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2020 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 178.72 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2020 Data Tables | zip | 81.18 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Naturalizations 2020 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 212.44 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2020 Data Tables | zip | 213.69 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2020 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 215.27 KB | 01/06/2022 | 2020 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Naturalizations 2019 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 215.23 KB | 10/13/2020 | 2019 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2017 Data Tables | zip | 90.1 KB | 03/27/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013 | 3.51 MB | 08/01/2014 | 2013 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2000 | 6.21 MB | 09/01/2002 | 2000 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Naturalizations 2002 (Tables) | zip | 290.92 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2004 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 82.31 KB | 02/12/2007 | 2004 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, Refugees and Asylees, Naturalizations, Nonimmigrants | 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
2006 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 3.4 MB | 09/01/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2007 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 111.21 KB | 09/19/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2009 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 235.33 KB | 03/09/2010 | 2009 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2010 Data Tables | zip | 87.31 KB | 04/04/2012 | 2010 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2012 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 143.43 KB | 03/03/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2019 Data Tables | zip | 199.25 KB | 03/15/2021 | 2019 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2017 Data Tables | zip | 85.87 KB | 05/02/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2013 Data Tables | zip | 269.59 KB | 04/06/2016 | 2013 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2000 (Tables) | zip | 431.15 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2000 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Naturalizations 2002 Supplementary Tables | zip | 255.65 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2004 Data Tables | zip | 139.36 KB | 04/08/2016 | 2004 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2006 Data Tables | zip | 215.81 KB | 08/24/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2007 Data Tables | zip | 52.32 KB | 10/03/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2009 Data Tables | zip | 190.87 KB | 06/15/2010 | 2009 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2010 Data Tables | zip | 233.46 KB | 06/30/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2012 Data Tables | zip | 62.26 KB | 04/23/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2019 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 182.51 KB | 10/13/2020 | 2019 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2017 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 216.98 KB | 04/17/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Expanded 2019 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 76.27 KB | 01/25/2021 | 2019 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2013 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 137.75 KB | 04/06/2016 | 2013 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Refugees & Asylees 2000 (Tables) | zip | 222.31 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2000 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2002 (Tables) | zip | 805.59 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2004 Data Tables | zip | 167.05 KB | 04/08/2016 | 2004 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2006 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 125.78 KB | 08/24/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2008 | 2.86 MB | 08/10/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2009 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 109.94 KB | 03/09/2010 | 2009 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2010 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 132.88 KB | 06/30/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Naturalizations 2012 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 135.04 KB | 03/13/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2019 Data Tables | zip | 164.72 KB | 03/15/2021 | 2019 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2017 Data Tables | zip | 205.04 KB | 08/10/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Expanded 2018 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 83.13 KB | 03/06/2020 | 2018 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Refugees and Asylees 2013 Data Tables | zip | 57.9 KB | 07/15/2014 | 2013 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Naturalizations 2000 (Tables) | zip | 164.35 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2000 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2002 Supplementary Tables | zip | 597.06 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2004 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 113.62 KB | 04/08/2016 | 2004 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2006 Data Tables | zip | 33.17 KB | 07/11/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2008 Data Tables | zip | 234.5 KB | 04/07/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2009 Data Tables | zip | 65.45 KB | 03/01/2011 | 2009 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2010 Data Tables | zip | 228.62 KB | 06/12/2012 | 2010 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2012 Data Tables | zip | 245.36 KB | 08/13/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2018 | 3.08 MB | 10/01/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2017 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 185.48 KB | 08/10/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Expanded 2017 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 82.34 KB | 03/25/2019 | 2017 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Naturalizations 2013 Data Tables | zip | 185.73 KB | 04/05/2016 | 2013 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2000 (Tables) | zip | 334.09 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2000 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2002 (Tables) | zip | 209.41 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2004 Data Tables | zip | 225.12 KB | 09/25/2006 | 2004 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2006 Data Tables | zip | 153.67 KB | 09/04/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2008 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 147.62 KB | 04/07/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2014 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 2.28 MB | 08/01/2016 | 2014 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2010 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 122.49 KB | 05/16/2012 | 2010 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2012 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 123.34 KB | 08/13/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2018 Data Tables | zip | 212.45 KB | 12/31/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2017 Data Tables | zip | 170.7 KB | 02/16/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Expanded 2016 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 83.28 KB | 12/12/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Naturalizations 2013 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 129.72 KB | 04/05/2016 | 2013 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2000 (Tables) | zip | 214.85 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2000 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2003 | 1.4 MB | 09/01/2004 | 2003 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2004 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 90.24 KB | 09/25/2006 | 2004 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2006 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 119.74 KB | 09/04/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2008 Data Tables | zip | 64.2 KB | 04/06/2016 | 2008 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2014 Data Tables | zip | 164.06 KB | 03/22/2016 | 2014 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2010 Data Tables | zip | 75.78 KB | 06/09/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2015 | 3.41 MB | 12/01/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2018 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 214.86 KB | 06/05/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2016 | 14.81 MB | 11/01/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Expanded 2015 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 90.35 KB | 03/29/2017 | 2015 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2013 Data Tables | zip | 239.69 KB | 07/14/2014 | 2013 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2001 | 25.71 MB | 02/01/2003 | 2001 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2003 (Tables) | zip | 299.55 KB | 04/11/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2004 Data Tables | zip | 219.09 KB | 04/08/2016 | 2004 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2006 Data Tables | zip | 176.01 KB | 08/07/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2008 Data Tables | zip | 157.9 KB | 04/03/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2014 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 167.27 KB | 08/21/2015 | 2014 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2011 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 4.49 MB | 09/01/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2015 Data Tables | zip | 173.32 KB | 10/18/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Refugees and Asylees 2018 Data Tables | zip | 88.09 KB | 06/06/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2016 Data Tables | zip | 171.06 KB | 08/02/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Expanded 2014 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 90.92 KB | 03/29/2017 | 2014 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2013 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 126.46 KB | 06/30/2014 | 2013 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2001 (Tables) | zip | 453.9 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2001 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2003 Supplementary Tables | zip | 123.12 KB | 04/11/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2005 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 3.09 MB | 11/01/2006 | 2005 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2006 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 112.06 KB | 09/07/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2008 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 124.4 KB | 04/03/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2014 Data Tables | zip | 59.51 KB | 03/22/2016 | 2014 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2011 Data Tables | zip | 277.14 KB | 05/04/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2015 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 194.69 KB | 09/12/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Naturalizations 2018 Data Tables | zip | 80.91 KB | 12/31/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2016 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 175.06 KB | 07/18/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Expanded 2013 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 89.4 KB | 03/29/2017 | 2013 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2013 Data Tables | zip | 119.57 KB | 10/27/2014 | 2013 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Refugees & Asylees 2001 (Tables) | zip | 202.37 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2001 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Refugees & Asylees 2003 (Tables) | zip | 147.24 KB | 04/11/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2005 Data Tables | zip | 215.29 KB | 02/12/2007 | 2005 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2006 Data Tables | zip | 29.46 KB | 09/12/2007 | 2006 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2008 Data Tables | zip | 190.62 KB | 04/24/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2014 Data Tables | zip | 59.66 KB | 09/02/2015 | 2014 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2011 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 138.85 KB | 04/03/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Refugees and Asylees 2015 Data Tables | zip | 106.6 KB | 08/05/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Naturalizations 2018 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 213.67 KB | 06/27/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2016 Data Tables | zip | 86.47 KB | 10/25/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Expanded 2012 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 90.96 KB | 03/29/2017 | 2012 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1999 | 2.8 MB | 03/01/2002 | 1999 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Naturalizations 2001 (Tables) | zip | 158.93 KB | 04/13/2016 | 2001 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Naturalizations 2003 (Tables) | zip | 161.81 KB | 04/11/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2005 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 127.49 KB | 02/12/2007 | 2005 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 8.3 MB | 09/01/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2008 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 110.33 KB | 04/17/2019 | 2008 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2014 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 159.52 KB | 09/02/2015 | 2014 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2011 Data Tables | zip | 52.71 KB | 05/16/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Naturalizations 2015 Data Tables | zip | 56.9 KB | 09/01/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2018 Data Tables | zip | 154.47 KB | 12/31/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2016 Data Tables | zip | 58.92 KB | 05/05/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Expanded 2011 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 89.2 KB | 04/07/2017 | 2011 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1999 (Tables) | zip | 1.32 MB | 11/30/2010 | 1999 | Yearbook | 9 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2001 (Tables) | zip | 322.23 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2001 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2003 Supplementary Tables | zip | 110.15 KB | 04/11/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2005 Data Tables | zip | 30.96 KB | 11/13/2006 | 2005 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2007 Data Tables | zip | 225.37 KB | 11/13/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2008 Data Tables | zip | 102.92 KB | 04/17/2009 | 2008 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2014 Data Tables | zip | 149.93 KB | 03/22/2006 | 2014 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2011 Data Tables | zip | 180.6 KB | 04/04/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Naturalizations 2015 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 156.58 KB | 08/31/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2019 | 24.09 MB | 09/01/2020 | 2019 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2018 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 176.04 KB | 05/28/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2016 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 163.98 KB | 05/05/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Expanded 2010 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 89.48 KB | 04/10/2017 | 2010 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1998 | 1.63 MB | 11/01/2000 | 1998 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2001 (Tables) | zip | 204.91 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2001 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2003 (Tables) | zip | 216.19 KB | 11/23/2010 | 2003 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2005 Data Tables | zip | 138.95 KB | 07/07/2006 | 2005 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2007 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 144.54 KB | 11/13/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 6.03 MB | 08/10/2010 | 2009 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2014 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 152.16 KB | 09/15/2015 | 2014 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2011 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 129.13 KB | 04/04/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2015 Data Tables | zip | 141.22 KB | 10/03/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2019 Data Tables | zip | 215.39 KB | 03/15/2021 | 2019 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2018 Data Tables | zip | 169.36 KB | 07/09/2019 | 2018 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2016 Data Tables | zip | 137.99 KB | 05/22/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Expanded 2009 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 89.34 KB | 04/10/2017 | 2009 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
1998 Yearbook contains all Excel files | zip | 930.83 KB | 11/15/2010 | 1998 | Yearbook | 9 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2002 | 17.83 MB | 10/01/2003 | 2002 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2003 Supplementary Tables | zip | 90.5 KB | 09/25/2006 | 2003 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2005 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 80.23 KB | 07/07/2006 | 2005 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2007 Data Tables | zip | 34.18 KB | 07/16/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2009 Data Tables | zip | 245.96 KB | 02/04/2011 | 2009 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2014 Data Tables | zip | 135.43 KB | 03/22/2016 | 2014 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2011 Data Tables | zip | 228.67 KB | 09/05/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2015 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 149.28 KB | 10/03/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2019 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 216.9 KB | 10/13/2020 | 2019 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2017 | 24.31 MB | 07/01/2019 | 2017 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2016 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 151.73 KB | 04/24/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Expanded 2008 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 88.77 KB | 04/11/2017 | 2008 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1997 | 1.53 MB | 10/01/1999 | 1997 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2002 (Tables) | zip | 549.14 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2003 (Tables) | zip | 186.7 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2003 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2005 Data Tables | zip | 170.65 KB | 11/01/2007 | 2005 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2007 Data Tables | zip | 156.55 KB | 09/03/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2009 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 149.5 KB | 03/09/2010 | 2009 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2010 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 2.52 MB | 08/01/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2011 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 120.63 KB | 09/05/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2015 Data Tables | zip | 144.66 KB | 12/13/2016 | 2015 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Refugees and Asylees 2019 Data Tables | zip | 86.14 KB | 03/15/2021 | 2019 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2017 Data Tables | zip | 223.28 KB | 04/17/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2016 Data Tables | zip | 143.84 KB | 11/30/2017 | 2016 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Expanded 2007 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 88.06 KB | 04/11/2017 | 2007 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1996 (PDF and Tables) | zip | 2.31 MB | 10/31/1997 | 1996 | Yearbook | 9 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2002 Supplementary Tables | zip | 266.35 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
2004 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics | 1.55 MB | 01/01/2006 | 2004 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2005 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 107.93 KB | 11/01/2007 | 2005 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2007 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 122.43 KB | 09/03/2008 | 2007 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Refugees and Asylees 2009 Data Tables | zip | 36.92 KB | 02/17/2011 | 2009 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2010 Data Tables | zip | 425.9 KB | 06/30/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2011 Data Tables | zip | 108.91 KB | 09/06/2012 | 2011 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Naturalizations 2019 Data Tables | zip | 80.31 KB | 09/28/2020 | 2019 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Lawful Permanent Residents 2017 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 217.69 KB | 04/17/2018 | 2017 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Expanded 2006 Yearbook Tables 8-11 (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals) | xlsx | 88.92 KB | 04/11/2017 | 2006 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents, LPR Yearbook Tables 8 to 11 Expanded | 9, 10, 24 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 1996 | 1.54 MB | 10/01/1997 | 1996 | Yearbook | 9 | |
Refugees & Asylees 2002 (Tables) | zip | 79.32 KB | 04/12/2016 | 2002 | Yearbook, Refugees and Asylees | 9, 11 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2004 Data Tables | zip | 125.87 KB | 04/25/2006 | 2004 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Immigration Enforcement Actions 2005 Data Tables | zip | 130.24 KB | 04/08/2016 | 2005 | Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement | 9, 15 |
Nonimmigrant Admissions 2007 Data Tables | zip | 190.08 KB | 01/06/2009 | 2007 | Yearbook, Nonimmigrants | 9, 13 |
Naturalizations 2009 Data Tables | zip | 34.26 KB | 04/06/2016 | 2009 | Yearbook, Naturalizations | 9, 12 |
Legal Permanent Residents 2010 Supplementary Data Tables | zip | 176.25 KB | 06/30/2011 | 2010 | Yearbook, Lawful Permanent Residents | 9, 10 |
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2012 | 2.7 MB | 07/01/2013 | 2012 | Yearbook | 9 |
Last updated: September 6, 2024