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OHSS | Office of Homeland Security Statistics

Table 10

The 2015 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions, including apprehensions and arrests, removals, and returns.

Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status By Broad Class Of Admission And Region Of Birth: Fiscal Year 2015
Region of Birth Total Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Immediate Relatives of U.S. citizens Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,051,031 213,910 144,047 465,068 47,934 151,995 28,077
Africa 101,415 8,980 4,813 40,379 19,659 27,104 480
Asia 419,297 87,568 89,533 151,189 14,562 67,603 8,842
Europe 85,803 5,104 20,945 44,680 11,425 3,317 332
North America 366,126 97,529 18,238 181,269 667 51,535 16,888
Oceania 5,404 515 1,186 2,926 721 37 19
South America 72,309 14,102 9,296 44,214 878 2,346 1,473
Unknown 677 112 36 411 22 53 43


Table 10. Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status By Broad Class Of Admission And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Year 2015
Country of Birth Total Family-Sponsored Preferences Employment-Based Preferences Immediate Relatives of U.S. citizens Diversity Refugees and Asylees Other
   Total 1,051,031 213,910 144,047 465,068 47,934 151,995 28,077
Afghanistan 8,328 272 16 1,011 50 691 6,288
Albania 4,653 614 81 2,017 1,770 152 19
Algeria 1,775 103 40 570 1,035 19 8
Angola 154 8 12 89 6 39 -
Anguilla 22 D D 18 - - 1
Antigua-Barbuda 290 97 12 176 D - D
Argentina 3,730 194 1,095 2,194 48 133 66
Armenia 2,962 247 120 1,035 1,324 225 11
Aruba 38 4 4 30 - - -
Australia 3,034 68 930 1,636 390 D D
Austria 474 17 166 247 39 5 -
Azerbaijan 676 70 34 291 229 49 3
Bahamas 725 53 84 562 6 14 6
Bahrain 145 24 60 47 D D -
Bangladesh 13,570 7,044 653 5,667 - 167 39
Barbados 376 97 28 235 9 - 7
Belarus 1,994 86 236 695 772 199 6
Belgium 662 14 303 298 40 D D
Belize 772 182 35 537 - 5 13
Benin 466 19 11 233 180 19 4
Bermuda 112 19 13 77 - D D
Bhutan 6,325 D 4 28 D 6,290 -
Bolivia 1,626 248 220 1,038 17 43 60
Bosnia-Herzegovina 859 D 66 602 69 64 D
Botswana 61 3 6 28 6 18 -
Brazil 11,424 452 2,725 7,903 21 116 207
British Virgin Islands 38 10 D 24 - - D
Brunei 21 3 8 10 - - -
Bulgaria 2,688 130 301 1,379 819 45 14
Burkina Faso 575 33 15 274 98 152 3
Burma 12,808 486 D 688 134 11,443 D
Burundi 351 9 8 60 40 234 -
Cambodia 1,868 336 60 1,224 190 51 7
Cameroon 4,374 425 91 1,557 1,470 825 6
Canada 12,673 534 5,551 6,237 68 44 239
Cape Verde 1,253 578 4 658 7 3 3
Cayman Islands 53 5 6 39 D D -
Central African Republic 234 D 6 19 D 205 -
Chad 175 D D 29 10 129 1
Chile 1,596 112 333 1,061 14 40 36
China, People's Republic 74,558 14,384 22,531 27,659 24 9,727 233
Colombia 17,316 3,211 1,292 11,870 12 785 146
Congo, Democratic Republic 5,345 172 38 490 2,596 2,043 6
Congo, Republic 496 20 3 87 68 313 5
Costa Rica 2,029 155 212 1,589 9 27 37
Cote d'Ivoire 1,497 107 62 584 397 305 42
Croatia 348 15 58 235 27 13 -
Cuba 54,396 2,211 9 3,882 428 47,803 63
Curacao 22 4 6 12 - - -
Cyprus 113 D 39 61 7 D -
Czech Republic 637 18 109 456 41 8 5
Czechoslovakia(former) 58 D 14 39 - D D
Denmark 609 6 290 284 24 D D
Djibouti 370 D D 34 12 319 -
Dominica 229 123 D D - - -
Dominican Republic 50,610 26,432 369 23,554 D D 147
Ecuador 10,187 3,100 641 5,675 D D 585
Egypt 12,085 903 746 3,334 2,890 4,194 18
El Salvador 19,487 6,845 1,327 9,446 3 366 1,500
Equatorial Guinea 25 D - 13 D 8 -
Eritrea 2,220 155 D 511 178 1,352 D
Estonia 189 8 25 131 19 3 3
Ethiopia 11,394 1,544 170 3,350 2,507 3,808 15
Fiji 875 309 17 339 169 34 7
Finland 407 5 209 177 16 - -
France 4,693 122 2,121 2,085 314 41 10
French Polynesia 14 - D D - - -
Gabon 146 D 9 92 15 21 D
Gambia 1,142 89 30 732 9 242 40
Georgia 1,410 111 63 734 431 68 3
Germany 5,436 142 1,724 3,026 458 59 27
Ghana 6,186 886 337 4,346 508 88 21
Greece 1,211 65 309 715 113 D D
Grenada 525 122 23 360 D D 14
Guatemala 11,773 2,647 1,608 5,196 25 667 1,630
Guinea 1,389 97 14 455 306 481 36
Guinea-Bissau 39 D D 28 D 6 -
Guyana 5,543 3,423 59 2,007 11 16 27
Haiti 16,967 7,002 114 8,475 3 1,240 133
Honduras 9,274 1,982 1,188 5,081 28 284 711
Hong Kong 2,085 705 675 636 38 19 12
Hungary 1,095 31 256 676 114 14 4
Iceland 104 D 43 42 D - -
India 64,116 14,591 27,514 20,558 53 978 422
Indonesia 2,084 134 467 1,193 57 187 46
Iran 13,114 2,250 1,485 3,232 2,377 3,756 14
Iraq 21,107 209 68 866 37 18,973 954
Ireland 1,607 24 651 881 45 D D
Israel 3,965 155 1,640 2,013 98 39 20
Italy 3,544 102 1,125 1,889 269 147 12
Jamaica 17,642 5,440 622 11,437 - 63 80
Japan 5,395 139 1,957 3,092 178 14 15
Jordan 4,664 1,172 281 2,519 101 581 10
Kazakhstan 1,201 45 117 561 351 123 4
Kenya 5,602 419 360 2,569 1,046 1,173 35
Korea, North 55 D 10 26 - 12 D
Korea, South 17,138 949 9,645 6,465 7 7 65
Kosovo 814 115 10 475 118 96 -
Kuwait 1,055 189 222 382 41 217 4
Kyrgyzstan 790 34 47 284 245 175 5
Laos 917 85 43 753 - 36 -
Latvia 480 23 36 366 43 5 7
Lebanon 2,813 723 400 1,454 50 173 13
Lesotho 23 - 3 17 - D D
Liberia 3,795 309 20 1,252 1,787 414 13
Libya 734 24 43 289 81 297 -
Lithuania 750 42 63 506 128 5 6
Luxembourg 27 D D 13 - D -
Macau 99 41 27 21 10 - -
Macedonia 1,060 132 62 637 210 D D
Madagascar 72 8 19 29 16 - -
Malawi 160 9 19 79 7 46 -
Malaysia 2,749 152 583 682 20 1,296 16
Mali 587 27 15 314 19 161 51
Malta 58 D D 15 D 26 -
Marshall Islands 32 D - D - - -
Mauritania 298 19 6 115 D 154 D
Mauritius 96 6 39 46 D - D
Mexico 158,619 41,529 6,479 97,816 9 726 12,060
Moldova 2,496 93 100 753 1,304 241 5
Monaco 10 - D D - - -
Mongolia 644 31 82 337 66 104 24
Montenegro 251 36 5 186 11 13 -
Montserrat 14 5 - 9 - - -
Morocco 3,710 298 131 2,350 900 18 13
Mozambique 107 3 21 26 4 53 -
Namibia 86 - 14 30 5 37 -
Nepal 12,926 657 1,358 2,161 3,471 5,261 18
Netherlands 1,309 21 565 662 51 6 4
Netherlands Antilles (former) 22 - 7 15 - - -
New Zealand 855 20 222 465 145 D D
Nicaragua 3,324 828 D 2,167 D 119 142
Niger 55 D D 42 6 - -
Nigeria 11,542 1,702 861 8,279 519 144 37
Norway 310 6 95 201 D 3 D
Oman 85 D 30 32 7 8 D
Pakistan 18,057 6,793 2,276 8,095 11 803 79
Palau 15 D D 9 - - -
Panama 1,052 175 95 728 6 34 14
Papua New Guinea 11 - 4 7 - - -
Paraguay 382 26 54 279 D 18 D
Peru 10,148 2,536 547 6,651 8 157 249
Philippines 56,478 15,695 10,545 29,955 9 19 255
Poland 5,275 897 837 3,060 418 17 46
Portugal 857 60 216 536 21 10 14
Qatar 229 34 51 70 60 14 -
Romania 3,376 239 534 1,980 518 97 8
Russia 8,799 428 1,732 4,335 1,748 532 24
Rwanda 732 8 26 75 179 444 -
Saint Kitts-Nevis 222 81 7 130 D - D
Saint Lucia 739 188 30 508 D D 6
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 415 78 20 308 D D 5
Samoa 207 D - 198 - - D
Saudi Arabia 1,744 253 310 717 269 192 3
Senegal 1,244 111 70 828 102 83 50
Serbia 1,278 90 135 829 201 D D
Serbia and Montenegro (former) 232 7 26 122 D 71 D
Seychelles 11 D D 6 D D -
Sierra Leone 1,599 121 46 889 424 111 8
Singapore 781 47 426 282 12 9 5
Sint Maarten 45 13 D 29 D - -
Slovakia 424 11 91 262 45 11 4
Slovenia 107 D 29 71 D - 1
Somalia 6,796 116 D 986 56 5,630 D
South Africa 2,907 77 935 1,286 262 332 15
South Sudan 127 D D 91 3 29 -
Soviet Union (former) 1,022 9 191 541 5 272 4
Spain 3,303 108 1,114 1,328 167 578 8
Sri Lanka 1,763 233 477 552 249 238 14
Sudan 3,580 99 D 491 983 1,975 D
Suriname 134 32 8 91 D - D
Swaziland 19 - 5 14 - - -
Sweden 1,066 27 393 581 50 12 3
Switzerland 640 10 251 331 34 8 6
Syria 3,840 801 250 1,507 140 1,137 5
Taiwan 4,888 662 2,119 1,950 138 D D
Tajikistan 595 25 44 188 277 61 -
Tanzania 799 59 D 406 66 211 D
Thailand 7,502 291 336 3,288 25 3,439 123
Togo 1,547 155 16 669 537 157 13
Tonga 327 103 D 210 D - -
Trinidad and Tobago 3,212 651 272 2,188 53 4 44
Tunisia 518 20 56 351 41 45 5
Turkey 4,201 222 1,041 1,670 1,108 142 18
Turkmenistan 226 D 20 68 90 35 D
Turks and Caicos Islands 38 3 D 30 - D 2
Uganda 1,664 122 135 686 185 531 5
Ukraine 7,987 797 881 4,519 1,285 471 34
United Arab Emirates 1,193 209 312 303 118 238 13
United Kingdom 12,592 492 5,459 6,481 92 31 37
United States 370 12 43 270 - 19 26
Uruguay 1,078 37 115 834 5 47 40
Uzbekistan 3,977 396 131 805 2,318 306 21
Venezuela 9,144 731 2,207 4,610 738 806 52
Vietnam 30,832 16,065 872 13,690 D 148 D
Yemen 3,194 577 25 2,319 136 134 3
Zambia 460 31 75 272 35 44 3
Zimbabwe 779 60 167 311 42 189 10
All other countries1 73 7 15 44 D D -
Unknown 677 112 36 411 22 53 43

D Data withheld to limit disclosure.

- Represents zero.

1 Includes countries with less than 10 lawful permanent residents.

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.