The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a collection of tables about immigration.
The yearbook tables include data about:
- Foreign nationals who came to the United States during a fiscal year. This includes lawful permanent residents, temporary visitors (nonimmigrants), refugees and asylees, and naturalizations.
- Immigration enforcement actions, including alien apprehensions, removals, and returns.
Previous versions of the yearbook included information that is now in other reports. These other reports include:
- Lawful Permanent Residents Annual Flow Report
- Refugees and Asylees Annual Flow Report
- Naturalizations Annual Flow Report
- Nonimmigrant (Temporary Visitor) Admissions Annual Flow Report
- Enforcement Actions Annual Flow Report
We release data tables as they become available. We release the final yearbook PDF in September of the following fiscal year.
As some terminology in reports do change, we maintain previously posted reports and datasets as originally approved and published.
Available Yearbooks
2023 Yearbook

2022 Yearbook

2021 Yearbook

2020 Yearbook

2019 Yearbook

2018 Yearbook

2017 Yearbook

2016 Yearbook

2015 Yearbook

2014 Yearbook

2013 Yearbook

2012 Yearbook

2011 Yearbook

2010 Yearbook

2009 Yearbook

2008 Yearbook

2007 Yearbook

2006 Yearbook

2005 Yearbook

2004 Yearbook

2003 Yearbook

2002 Yearbook

2001 Yearbook

2000 Yearbook

1999 Yearbook

1998 Yearbook

1997 Yearbook

1996 Yearbook