About This Report
We produced this report independently. It supports our mission to maximize DHS data quality and transparency.
We work with DHS Component Statistical Officials (CSOs) and subject-matter experts to standardize our reporting methodologies. All data in this report use validated reporting standards. CSOs have reviewed data tables for accuracy. Records may not match agency reporting due to differences in reporting methodologies or as-of dates.
U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) has increased availability for some data fields beginning in June 2024. As such, we have assigned updated book-out outcomes for certain USBP encounters for Fiscal Years 2018 through 2022.
Available Tables
- Nationwide Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Encounters by Encounter Type and Region
- SW Border Encounters by Citizenship, Family Status, and Sector or Field Office
- Nationwide United States Border Patrol (USBP) and Office of Field Operations (OFO) Encounters by Top 100 Citizenships
- SW Border USBP Encounters by Top 100 Citizenships
- CBP One Appointments
CBP Book-Outs
- SW Border Encounters Book-Outs by Agency, Citizenship, and Family Status
Administrative Arrests
- Immigration and Customs Enforce (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Administrative Arrests by Citizenship and Criminality
- ICE ERO Book-Ins to Detention by Citizenship, Criminality, and Initial Arresting Agency
- ICE ERO Book-Outs from Detention by Criminality and Initial Arresting Agency
ICE Repatriations
- ICE ERO Removals and Returns by Citizenship, Criminality, and Initial Arresting Agency
DHS Repatriations
- DHS Repatriations by Type
- DHS Removals by Citizenship, Criminality, and Initial Arresting Agency
- DHS Enforcement Returns by Citizenship
- DHS Administrative Returns by Citizenship
Credible Fear
- SW Border Credible Fear Screenings Referred to USCIS by Citizenship
- SW Border Credible Fear Screenings Completed by Result
- Nationwide Credible Fear Screenings Referred to USCIS by Citizenship
- Nationwide Credible Fear Screenings Completed by Result
Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan (CHNV) Process
- Confirmed Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan Parole Processes Beneficiaries
- Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan Parole Processes Travel Authorizations
- Confirmed Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan Parole Processes Parolees
Data Source
All data are from the OHSS Persist Dataset except when noted. This is our immigration statistical system of record. We construct the Persist Dataset from DHS immigration agencies’ operational reports monthly.
We identify other data sources in table sourcing notes. DHS operational agencies provide us these other data sources.
As of January 2025, we update this report monthly on the third Thursday of the month. We receive, process, analyze, and review data before publishing a report. This takes approximately 45 days following the reporting period for the data. For example, January's report will include data through November.
The newest report reflects our most up-to-date methodology and data. Numbers may differ from previously published figures.
Data Processing
Our statisticians clean and validate agency operational reports. We use unique record identifiers to deduplicate agency data. We convert data to standardized formats according to published reporting standards. Component Statistical Officials validate the standardized formats. Our office and the Component Statistical Officials manage the standards together.
Unit of Measure
Except as otherwise noted, the unit of measurement for all tables in this report is immigration events. This includes encounters, administrative arrests, and credible fear claims. We count people encountered (or arrested, etc.) more than once during the reporting period multiple times.
Data Fields and Definitions
See the OHSS Glossary for definitions of terms used in these tables.