About this Report
In this report, we provide DHS seizures resulting from fentanyl disruption operations.
Data Source
We source this data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Seized Assets and Case Tracking System (SEACATS). SEACATS tracks fentanyl and pill press seizures related to CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) operations.
Data are as of 8/1/2024. Statistical information can change. Changes can occur when there are corrections, systems change, data definitions change, or seizures clear final review.
Data Processing
CBP and ICE HSI collaborate on many fentanyl disruption operations and investigations. Both collect seizure data in SEACATS. Both also report Component-level statistics on their involvement in seizures. Our reports combine DHS fentanyl disruption seizures data. We use unique identifiers. This ensures we capture all seizures of fentanyl and pill presses without duplication.
Unit of Measure
The units of measurement for this report are:
- Fentanyl: amounts of fentanyl drugs seized in pounds (lbs) by CBP and ICE;
- Pill Presses: amounts of pill presses seized by CBP and ICE, including the entire press, die, and parts other than die;
- U.S. Currency: amounts of U.S. cash and currency seized in dollars by ICE resulting from fentanyl disruption operations; and
- Personal Property: amounts of personal property other than U.S. currency seized in dollars by ICE resulting from fentanyl disruption operations.
Download Data
Data File | File Extension | File size | Date Posted | Report Year | Data Category | categories |
Nationwide DHS Fentanyl Disruption Seizures: FY 2023 | xlsx | 17.23 KB | 08/30/2024 | 2023 | Fentanyl Disruption Seizures | 47 |